
Directory for all Resources

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420 Items

Business Associations for the 21st Century

Guides & Tools
Business Associations for the 21st Century is a business association management guide developed by the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) to help business owners and managers around the world...

Entrepreneurship at CIPE

CIPE helps entrepreneurs in emerging markets to improve ecosystems, expand opportunities, and gain a voice in policies that affect them. Working holistically, CIPE promotes an enabling environment for entrepreneurship that...

Democracy and the Future of Ethiopia’s Development Keynote

Keynote Transcript - Francis Fukuyama Introduction: This is my first visit to Ethiopia. This is a country that I have followed over the decades with a great deal of interest, and it is very satisfying to actually be here and to talk to people about the remarkable changes that are going on in your country...

الدليل الارشادي لبيئة تمكينية

Guides & Tools
يمكن للاقتصاد الرقمي الآخذ في الاتساع، بما في ذلك الخدمات عبر الحدود والتجارة الإلكترونية، أن يكون قائدًا لتنمية اقتصادية، بفتح قنوات تسويقية جديدة أمام قطاعات الأعمال المحلية، وتشجيع التجارة الشاملة...
420 Items