
Directory for all Resources

All CIPE Publications and Resources by Partners are listed here. Use the filter bar to find the item you are looking for.

478 Items

Corruption Institutional Analysis Diagnostic Handbook 2023

Guides & Tools | Jeffrey Vanness, Tanim Ahmed
Corruption is best understood and best countered by those closest to the problem. The Center for International Private Enterprise’s Anti-Corruption and Governance Center created the Corruption Institutional Analysis Diagnosis (CIAD)...

Democratic Innovation Beyond the State

Case Studies
The Role of Non-State Actors in the Promotion of Citizen Participation in Latin America Executive Summary The role of non-state actors in the promotion of democratic innovations has been understudied,...

New Approaches for Effective Investment Screening

When properly designed and transparently implemented, investment screening mechanisms can be a useful tool at mitigating the effects of corrosive capital and its risks to national security from authoritarian actors....

Central America Flyer 2023

 CIPE’s Approach to Central America Programs Many countries in Central America suffer from widespread corruption, economic malaise and citizen disengagement, ultimately leading to higher migration rates. CIPE addresses economic and...
478 Items