
Directory for all Resources

All CIPE Publications and Resources by Partners are listed here. Use the filter bar to find the item you are looking for.

420 Items

Armenia and the Eurasian Economic Union

Case Studies
This resource is part of the series, “Joining the Eurasian Economic Union: Perspectives from the Eurasian Business Community,” which features analysis from renowned economists from EAEU member states and Uzbekistan....

Better Committee and Board Meetings

Guides & Tools
Board Responsibilities – laminated guide for more information visit: ...

The Impact of COVID-19 and PNG’s Reform Agenda

Introduction After several years of poor economic performance, including negligible economic and employment growth, and growing debt and debt servicing costs, Papua New Guinea (PNG) commenced 2020 with cautious optimism...

Co-regulating the Indonesian Digital Economy

Case Studies
This report was originally published on the Center for Indonesian Policy Studies website. Through its partnership with CIPE, the Center for Indonesian Policy Studies published a paper titled, “Co-regulating the...

2020 CIPE Annual Report

The year 2020 was defined by the COVID-19 crisis. The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) was well prepared to meet the challenges of the pandemic both at home and...
420 Items