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420 Items

Stakeholder Relations and Communications

Guides & Tools |
A think tank has no greater asset than its reputation. A good reputation attracts supporters and resources, opens access to decision makers and audiences, influences how its message is heard, and protects the organization during crisis. A think tank builds its reputation through the way it conducts ...

Beyond Research

Guides & Tools |
Think tanks become active participants in the policy process when they engage in advocacy. By pursuing advocacy strategies, think tanks greatly increase the likelihood that their ideas and research will be incorporated into policy. In contrast, if research findings are released without an advocacy p...

Getting Started

Guides & Tools |
As the suggestions and cases in this How-To Guide for Economic Think Tanks illustrate, there is no “one-size-fits-all” formula for any think tank. However, there are traits that are common to many leading think tanks around the world, including CIPE partners. These nine keys to success are: Def...


Guides & Tools |
Think tanks shape the policy space in many ways, from analyzing ideas and policy performance to educating decision makers and fostering debate. A wise think tank leader, though, will not dive into every contest and opportunity that is presented. It is too easy for the power of ideas to get lost in t...

Digital RMB: All Show, No Substance

With digital payments, the user sends transaction instructions to a financial institution, either directly or indirectly, via an electronic terminal, resulting in the transfer of money or capital. As mobile...

How to Combat Corruption During COVID-19 in Pakistan

Introduction At no. 32 on Transparency International’s 2019 Corruption Perceptions index, Pakistan is considered a high-risk country for corruption during the COVID-19 pandemic. Even before the pandemic, Transparency International estimated that corruption...
420 Items