
Directory for all Resources

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420 Items

L’UNACOIS, Voix des Commerçants

Cet article a été publié sur Medium.   L’ Union Nationale des Commerçants et Industriels du Sénégal (UNACOIS) est devenue une véritable force de proposition dans le dialogue public-privé et un...

Asia Think Tanks Flyer

A regional network of think tanks, policy experts, and practitioners dedicated to the advancement of pro-growth economic policy and democratic governance as solutions to local, national and regional challenges. The...

Nigeria: Maritime Ports Feedback Report

Case Studies
  Executive Summary Over the last decade, Nigerian maritime port sector experienced concerted efforts by different stakeholders (Federal Government in collaboration with private sector and development partners) to reposition it...

Lessons in Democratic Development

Case Studies
For 35 years, the Center for International Private Enterprise has participated in a worldwide effort to build the institutions of markets and democracy. During that time, CIPE has developed a...

Guide to Responsible Investment in Post-Conflict Zones

Guides & Tools
Introduction: Guide to Responsible Investment in Post-Conflict Zones Colombia has achieved great successes despite having experienced various forms of violence and conflict since the mid-twentieth century. For several decades its...
420 Items