
Directory for all Resources

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420 Items

Routes for Digital Adoption for SMEs in Colombia

Technological progress transforms companies, bolstering economies and fostering stronger democracies. The adoption of digital tools has radically transformed business’ operations, becoming a fundamental pillar for the competitiveness of private companies. Businesses must not only understand technology but integrate it into their strategy to strengthen their operations and define the path to a successful implementation for...

Women Empowerment and Corruption – The Interplay Between Gender, Transparency and Corruption: The Case of Hungary in Comparative Perspective

Case Studies
Corruption, defined as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain, is a multifaceted problem with roots both in individual and institutional behavior. In his 2007 paper “Rethinking the Nature and Origins of the Grabbing Hand,” the Swedish Political Science theorist Jan Teorell argued that corruption is primarily an institutional problem, “a conflict between different...

Colombia: Promoting Transparency in Public Procurement

Based on a survey conducted among more than 2,000 entrepreneurs in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, CIPE developed roadmaps to promote transparency in public procurement. In 2023, CIPE’s Colombia Country Office...
420 Items