Anti-Corruption Rapid Response: What We Can Learn from the COVID-19 Crisis


What anti-corruption lessons can we learn from COVID-19? The Anti-Corruption Governance Center (ACGC) at the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) and Global Integrity partnered on this joint report to explore the extent to which anti-corruption reformers identified windows of opportunity during the COVID-19 pandemic to advance reforms, acted on these opportunities, and have confidence in the results they achieved. The report draws from a literature review, a rigorous analysis of a survey of 56 local and international organizations working in governance and anti-corruption, and 14 key informant interviews. The report presents novel insights and lessons that can inform future efforts to leverage windows of opportunity, and inform reformers and donors as they prepare for and respond to emerging windows of opportunity for designing and implementing rapid anti-corruption programming.


Published Date: October 19, 2023