Association Rebound Checklist

Guides & Tools

Success Formula

Author Robert C. Harris analyzed the success of the organizations that were well positioned at the onset of the pandemic. Three principles are obvious:

✓ TECHNOLOGY – They had already invested in technology. They had familiarity with the technology and platforms, allowing seamless adaptation for remote working, board and committee meetings, training, and communications. They were prepared for the challenge.

✓ RESERVES – The association built enough savings to survive for at least six months if an emergency occurred. As programs and income were postponed, the leadership knew they could tap the reserves without damaging the organization and the strength of its staffing.

✓ PEOPLE – The volunteer leadership stepped to the plate. They saw the opportunities to position the organization, serve the membership, and better the organization. Staff worked hard, remotely, to maintain an effective association. The board of directors and professional staff are embracing opportunities to make a better organization.

Published Date: May 21, 2020