Corruption Institutional Analysis Diagnostic Handbook 2023

Guides & Tools

Corruption is best understood and best countered by those closest to the problem.

The Center for International Private Enterprise’s Anti-Corruption and Governance Center created the Corruption Institutional Analysis Diagnosis (CIAD) methodology to understand if there is a viable window of opportunity to conduct rapid response anti-corruption interventions in a chosen country. Windows can refer to any dynamic or contested situation: a new appointment of a reformist minister as head of an anticorruption agency; a new transparency or anti-corruption law or a new set of international commitments triggering a new opening of the civic space. All these can lead to a shifting in political incentives requiring both rapid and strategic interventions. A CIAD assessment’s purpose is to identify potential anti-corruption “quick wins” grounded in an evidence base that reflects the immediate context.

We hope achieving visible results fast will inspire other champions and generate momentum achieving fully sustainable outcomes that last for years beyond this initial investment.

Published Date: October 25, 2023