Just three years after our inception, the impact of our work to support trade facilitation reform is starting to shine through. Our Annual Report 2018 provides a snapshot of what we have achieved to date.
In Colombia, businesses and the government are witnessing a marked improvement in border efficiency thanks to a new risk-management system we have supported the National Food and Drug Surveillance Institute (INVIMA) to introduce. Between the system’s introduction in March 2018 and February 2019 INVIMA recorded a 27% reduction in physical inspections of food products at Colombia’s borders, equating to over 16,000 less inspections and reducing the processing time for low risk food products from up to a day to just one to two hours.
What is more, across our nine live projects we are making break-throughs in the way that governments and businesses work together to deliver change. In our report you will hear directly from our project partners from both sectors on how they are experiencing this shift. Perhaps most noteworthy, we are creating a new role for business in the reform process, using its skills and expertise to their full potential. To date, the Alliance has leveraged USD 3.88M of in-kind contributions to our work from the private sector.
To learn more, please visit: https://www.tradefacilitation.org/global-alliance-publications/global-alliance-trade-facilitation-annual-report-2018/
Download the full report.
Published Date: March 27, 2019