Programmatic Assessment Report: Empowering Marginal Economic Actors through Policy Reform from the Bottom-Up


Beginning in April 2020 CIPE implemented an assessment of marginal economic actors and business and civil society organizations in Ethiopia to assess the initial impacts of COVID-19. Through a series of virtually conducted key informant interviews, CIPE collected data on issues pertaining to the pandemic’s impact on participants’ businesses and wellbeing as well as what responses, information, and policies are being provided by the local and federal government to guide and support marginalized communities. The preliminary findings of the ongoing survey show that COVID-19 is already imposing significant socio-economic challenges on Ethiopia’s business community. Respondents raised concerns of income loss and growing food insecurity in particular and cautioned that the situation could escalate into violence, if unaddressed. The assessment report highlights respondents’ recommended government response measures and areas for greater government and private sector coordination.

Published Date: July 22, 2020