Risk to Value Guide: How Emerging Market Businesses Can Transform New Risks Into Value

Guides & Tools

The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) commissioned this Risk to Value Guide to support medium to large-sized businesses in emerging and frontier markets in understanding emerging and new business risk areas and leveraging them into opportunities for better risk management and value creation. The role of business in society starts with the most fundamental contribution a company makes to its community: creating jobs, driving economic growth, paying taxes to help fund public goods, and enhancing the general welfare through these actions. Companies of all sizes and geographies can only do that effectively if their notion of corporate citizenship is deeply rooted in an accurate, timely, and agile approach to risk assessment and risk management.

In today’s dynamically evolving and digitally interconnected world, even for smaller companies risks increasingly span a complex web of factors. In some countries, addressing these risks has become a matter of compliance based on government regulations. Yet even in places where no legal mandates exist, the evolution of thinking among the public regarding greater responsibilities and role of the private sector in societal welfare has been driving a new focus on diverse risks. This trend is challenging companies to adapt their business models to respond to greater regulation as well as investor, employee, and consumer expectations. This Guide is designed to support medium to large-sized firms’ efforts to understand and leverage emerging trends as part of their commitment to compliance and good corporate citizenship. In addition to synthesizing the lessons from her book Gloom to Boom: How Leaders Transform Risk into Resilience and Value, expert author Andrea Bonime-Blanc provides a self-assessment checklist to help businesses understand and respond to risks and opportunities to engage in responsible conduct and create profitable solutions for the problems of people and planet.

Published Date: March 13, 2023