Press Releases

The news release is the standard mechanism for delivering a message to the mass media. News editors welcome newsworthy releases. They want the information such releases carry, provided that the release is from a trustworthy source, accurate and sincere in presentation. Releases must not be slanted, loaded, or contain misinformation. News is that material which is of the greatest current interest to the greatest number of readers. Like fish, news can spoil very rapidly. Editors want “news” in their hands before, during or immediately after the event. If it is going to reach them any later, don’t waste your time or theirs preparing it. The key elements of a press release are:

  1. Written in the style of a news story
  2. Has a dateline
  3. Has an appropriate lead sentence
  4. Has quotations from the news source
  5. Has the association identified for further information

Difficulty and frustration may arise when the news media fails to publish or air stories that an association sends to them. A word of warning – remember that the public news media is not the public relations department for any particular association. Therefore, learn what the media believes is newsworthy:

  1. Send them material that truly warrants being published
  2. Make personal visits to publishers
  3. Get to know the reporters and editors on a personal basis
  4. Be available when reporters are trying to get comments on business activities
  5. Treat the news media personnel with respect as professionals
  6. Do not send them fluff material aimed solely at making you or your association look good
  7. Be aware of newspaper deadlines and the constraints on their layouts
  8. Be sure to write a different and shorter version of news releases for television and radio instead of sending them a long and involved story that you prepared for the newspaper

In general, if your writing is professional, your stories are newsworthy, and you’ve taken the time to build good relationships with the news reporters, you will receive favorable treatment.

Sample Press Release

For Immediate Release
Jose Ramirez
Chamber of Commerce
Phone 555-5555


The Chamber of Commerce announced today at its monthly board meeting that the Chamber is forming a new coalition with the National Association of Building Parts to fight for a new federal tax reform plan.
Ali Omara, chairman of the Chamber board, said, “Tax reform is imperative for our nation to remain competitive in the global economy. The businesses of our country are burdened with over-taxation that makes the costs of our products higher than competing nations’ manufacturers. This new coalition which will be called Fair Taxes For Our Nation will help the president achieve his goals.”

The executive director of the National Association of Building Parts Manufacturers, Pablo Guiterrez, said, “The president of our nation has always supported tax reform, and his proposal now pending before the legislature is vital for building our national parts industry. We invite others to join this coalition.”

According to a report presented to the Chamber board, federal business taxes add at least five zoyas to every building part. The average tax in other countries is equivalent to only three zoyas. The report, produced by the staff of the Chamber from a survey of building part makers, further states that a decrease in the federal tax rate would actually produce more tax revenues for the government in the long run. The report argues that lower taxation will cause a dramatic increase in sales of parts and systems that will in turn produce more tax money for the national treasury.

A policy statement issued by the Chamber asserts that equilibrium should be maintained between tax growth, population growth, and economic activity.
