CIPE’s focus on democratic governance and free-market reforms have never been more important.
CIPE’s work in Latin America and the Caribbean focuses on advancing private sector solutions to address local challenges through democratic governance and free-market principles. We help build resilient and inclusive economies and expand opportunities where individuals can thrive and participate in the democratic process.
By partnering with local organizations and thought leaders, we bring together business associations, governments, think tanks and other civil society organizations to engage in meaningful public policy reforms, creating a more enabling environment for the private sector and democracy to flourish. CIPE’s regional focus areas include:
- business association strengthening
- supporting the development and success of entrepreneurs in creative industries (orange economy)
- finding solutions to corrosive capital (international financing from countries lacking transparency, accountability, and market orientation)
- combating corruption and training entrepreneurs in transparent processes for public procurement
- strengthening the private sector in regions affected by poverty and violence,
- promoting the digital economy for SMEs and identifying a regional approach to digital governance
As many countries face major political and economic changes or other threats, CIPE remains steadfast in its commitment to supporting local and regional actors. CIPE currently has programs in 15 countries across the region with more than 40 local partners, as well as an extensive network of previous partners and colleagues. These relationships enable operations in countries where democracy and free markets are most at risk or civil society space is more closed.