ACGC Rapid Response External Resource Database

This database contains resources that CIPE and partners the International Republican Institute (IRI) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI) believe could be useful for organizations seeking to pivot and capitalize on anti-corruption windows of opportunity, and for organizations seeking to prepare to tackle a window of opportunity before it appears. The types of resources in this database have been informed by CIPE and Global Integrity’s research into Anti-Corruption Windows of Opportunity during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Open Society Foundation’s report “Seeing New Opportunities: How Global Actors Can Better Support Anti-Corruption Reformers.”

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External Resource

USAID Advocacy Expert Series – Building and Maintaining Networks and Coalitions

This guide explains the differences and similarities between Networks and Coalitions. It provides a basic outline on the formation of each as well as a discussion on various structures and things to pay attention to as one initiates or joins a network or coalition. There is a chapter on how to manage conflict and three case studies from Tanzania. These case studies were presented at a Pact Tanzania workshop in 2004.
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